Viviana Paredes, Eureka Fellow 2021

All potential nominations for the 2026 - 2028 cycle have been received. Nominated artists have been sent an invitation and instructions for submitting their applications. General applications are not accepted.

Eureka Fellowship Program

Founded in 1986, the Fleishhacker Foundation’s Eureka Fellowship Program offers unrestricted support for visual artists in the San Francisco Bay Area. Artists are selected on a three-year cycle, with four fellowships annually. 

Artists must be nominated by a Bay Area nonprofit visual arts organization to qualify. Letters inviting nominations for the fellowships are sent before each three-year cycle. Awards are then determined by a review panel of non-Bay Area visual arts experts. 

The most recent cohort of Eureka Fellows is below. Further information about current and past Eureka Fellows is here and here.

Later this year, twelve more Bay Area visual artists will be selected to receive a Eureka Fellowship grant for the next three-year cycle. Four Eureka Fellows will receive their awards in 2026, four in 2027, and four in 2028. In recognition of the upcoming 40th anniversary of the program, the awards will be increased from $35,000 to $40,000 each. 

Letters inviting nominations for the 2026 - 2028 cycle were sent to qualifying Bay Area nonprofit visual arts organizations in January. The deadline for submitting nominations was February 10, and all potential nominations have now been received. Nominated artists have been sent an invitation to apply and instructions for submitting their applications using the link below.

General applications are not accepted.

Nominated Artists: Please click here to enter portal

2023-2025 Eureka Fellows

Photo of Sadie Barnette by Damien Maloney; photo of Dana Hemenway courtesy of KQED and Graham Holoch